Reflexology for Peripheral Neuropathy
Reflexology stimulates the nerve endings in the body, particularly the nerves in the feet and legs. This, combined with improved circulating blood with nutrients and oxygen, helps the nerves of the feet and hands to reconnect through the Central Nervous System to the brain. Reflexology helps to relax the muscles of the feet, hands, and body, which can help reduce the incidence of trapped nerves. Improved circulation helps remove toxins and reduce stagnation resulting from metabolic disease or chemotherapy. Stimulating nerves supplying the feet can help improve blood and lymph circulation and restore energy flow.
Ligaments, tendons, and tight muscles will release, and the feet will become much softer and more pliable. Joint mobility also improves, and flexibility returns to feet and ankles. Painful, burning, tingling feet become much less uncomfortable and sore, and often there is increased sensation. Walking, standing, and quality of sleep improve, along with circulation, blood flow, nerve supply and energy levels. Stress, anxiety, and tension are also reduced.
Recommended Sessions for Peripheral Neuropathy:
Once weekly for 3-6 weeks.
Then, fortnightly, or monthly maintenance sessions.